Friday, September 13, 2019

A Sneak Peek Into Next Week...

Good Evening Third Grade Families,

Each week I will post a newsletter to share updates and learning content for the week.  Please take a moment to read it.  Have a great weekend!

Literacy:  During the literacy block, students will review choosing "Just Right" books.  They will learn about a long-term book project and become familiar with a variety of genres.  Students will also begin a writing project called, "Me and My Buddy."  I will review topic and closing sentences with students.  They will also review using a variety of sentences within their writing to make it more exciting for the reader.

Math:  We will continue to work through Unit 1 this week.  Please check out the TGW for more information about the unit, as well as links to nightly homework.  Students will review place value concepts and rounding.  Additionally,  students will begin receiving nightly math homework.  Math homework is due the next day unless stated otherwise.  To receive full credit, students MUST SHOW THIER WORK and fully complete the assignment.

Social Studies:  We'll begin our first social studies unit this week.  Students will explore why settlers were drawn to the area that we know as Chicago.

Social Emotional Learning:  Last week students learned to use self-talk when faced with distractions in class.  We will continue to practice this concept.  Additionally, students will learn to be assertive in asking for what they need or want in the classroom.

NWEA Beginning of the Year Assessment:  Students in third grade will take the BOY NWEA Monday and Tuesday of next week.