Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Sneak Peek Into This Week...

Welcome to our class family, parents!  I am really excited to get to know you and your family this year.  As your child's teacher, I promise to keep your little loved ones safe and take care of their hearts and minds each day I spend with them.
This week, most of our time will be spent reviewing procedures, setting expectations, and getting to know each other.

We'll study Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success and all of the building blocks that go into it.  Please ask your child if he/she can name all 14 building blocks!  You can also take a look at the book we read together if you'd like: Inch and Miles: Journey to Success.  Students will create a poster with their partner to showcase the building blocks.  They will also write a poem defining the words.

During math, students will learn a new math games and practice rotating through stations in math workshop.  They will also study the meaning of keeping a "growth mindset," rather than a "fixed mindset."

On Wednesday, I will distribute student planners to each student.  These planners are to be taken home and returned to school each day.  Please check to make sure your child is keeping up with his/her planner and writing down nightly homework.  This is an important executive functioning skill.  It will help students develop accountability and responsibility for classroom assignments and homework.

Stay tuned for more info throughout the week!