Sunday, February 23, 2020

This Week in Our Classroom...

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend!   Below is a brief overview of what your child will be up to this week in our classroom...

Literacy:  Several groups need one more week to finish up their guided reading novels.  They'll study character motivation, vocabulary connotations, and themes.  The other groups will begin a mini non-fiction unit of study.  In this unit, students will study the author's craft and structure.  They'll review text features, non-fiction text structures, and arguments the authors make within the text.  Likewise, during the writing block, we'll begin drafting non-fiction, historical pieces based on topics we've studied in social studies.  Your child may need to do a little research at home to fill in any holes as they get going with their writing.  Please ask your children what topic they'll be writing about this week!

Math:  Students will learn to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators this week.  They'll also work in teams to solve a tricky math problem.  Check in with your child to make sure he/she is understanding the Home Links content.  The content on the Home Links directly connects to the content on the quizzes and the final assessment.

Science:  We'll begin the week reviewing the effects of physical and chemical weathering.  Then, students will work on an activity focused on erosion and weathering and watch a brief movie.  On Friday, students will take the first science assessment.

Reading Response #7 is due on Thursday.  Please make sure you read over your child's response before it is submitted, as they cannot be made up or redone.
Thank you FOSN for our new indoor recess STEM building set!